Every My-FIT-24 Membership includes Unlimited Metabolic Coaching and 24 Hour access to our state of the art fitness center.  If YOU need help designing YOUR program, creating a meal plan, or staying accountable, our Coaches are here to help.  

My-FIT-24 Coaches have developed a coaching system that creates fitness programs based on a combination of four essential categories of exercise(to make easy to understand and follow).  

According to YOUR goals, we can prescribe the perfect balances between METABOLIC, STRENGTH, SLOW STEADY CARDIO (SSC) and FLEXIBILITY TRAINING.  The combination could vary greatly from client to client depending on their goals.

Here is how we break it down>>>>>>


Each membership is based on a monthly rate.  There is no long term commitment  discount and YOU may upgrade or down grade YOUR membership at any time (Unless YOU are using the membership discount option).