You Must Create Space for Transformation

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The new year is here...  

Are you feeling really excited and ready to chase down your 21’ goals? Or, are feeling like you’re still dragging your feet and kind of stuck still thinking about taking action, but not quite ready?  You might be saying; "Hey, I just need another minute to collect myself and figure out where I am." 

I think this year more than ever, we're seeing that hesitation.  We are hearing many people say  “I need a little more time, It's been a long year. Just give me a little more time”. 

It has been a long year. We feel it too…

But this is a reminder that wherever you are in that picture, it's important that we take the time now and make space for change to actually take hold. 

Too often, we get caught up in that steamroller of just go, go, go, do the next thing, take the next action. 

Have you heard that old saying, "Don't try to put 10 pounds of crap in a 5 pound bag."  So, my husband Jesse grew up on a farm, and he says things like this all the time. It sounds gross, but it does hold some truth…

If you try to put 10lbs of crap in a 5lb’re going to get crap all over the place.

Think about it. 

Visualize that for a second. 

If you try that, you're going to make a mess, Right? 

Actually physically trying to put more stuff into an already overwhelmed space is impossible.  When we try to just shove more in, it makes a mess.  

That's happening a lot right now, right? 

Have you heard yourself saying;  "Oh, now I have to start working out or now I have to start eating healthy. Where am I going to find the time, money, energy?"

Don’t worry, we are going to share with you, the 3 key steps you can take to declutter your life and make space for transformation. 

This reminds me of what I see a lot of my fitness clients go through, and what I have experienced in my own life.

Jesse and I have two teenagers now, but I remember this one year when I was volunteer coaching our daughter's soccer team, and at the same time Jesse was volunteer coaching our son's football team. This of course was in addition to owning our business, managing our kids, managing our home, you know… all the different things you have to do as a parent. Oh, and I was also volunteering in the school, on several volunteer non-profit boards, and acting President of a non profit that we founded. Don’t get me wrong...these are all wonderful things...But, it was just one too many things, and it was overwhelming, stressful, and exhausting. 

I understand that desire to want to just say yes to everything I can.  I want to be able to just fit it in.  I can make it happen. I can help here. I can do this.  Do you ever find yourself in this position? 

The truth is, I couldn’t really help anyone, because I  was just taking on too much.  

Jesse and I noticed this taking a toll on our health and our children. We were beginning to take a little bit less care of our own personal bodies. Our relationship with each other and  with our kids was suffering more than we would like to admit. Things that are important to us were being affected, and we knew we needed to make space.

Have you ever felt this before?? 

Do you ever feel like "Maybe I'm just taking on too much." 

Have you ever found yourself volunteering to carpool the kids, and volunteering in the schools, and helping take care of a relative, and just too many things all at once? 

We learned this lesson the hard way, and that is why we  encourage you today to learn from our mistakes, and begin to make space in your life before you try to tackle a new BIG goal.

Here are three key things that you need to do in order to make space for transformation and set  yourself on the right foot in '21.

1. Decide what stays. Take a good look at the pieces in your life right now that are going really well.  What are the things that have a lot of value to you?

If you have family time that's going well and you want to make sure that that stays, make it a priority, keep it in your schedule. If you have established a healthy workout routine that's working for you, don't disrupt that. If you have developed some healthy eating habits, make sure that you keep that going. Prioritize what you want to keep. 

I am kind of obsessed  with those decluttering your closet shows.  You know, where some expert organizer comes into your home and helps you to tidy your space? (side note: If you don’t know what I am talking about, I totally recommend looking them up.  Real life changer.)  

Anyway… The first thing these experts  do is ask their clients to sort out what items bring value to their  life.  These are the things you should keep.

So, in your life, what appointments, foods, people, media, bring value to your life?  These are things that we want to keep.

2.  Decide what can go. Take a look at your life and decide what needs to be detoxed. Ask yourself  “If I got rid of this, would that help me? Would that benefit my life? Would that help me to get closer to my goal?

We can apply this to our groceries, our time sucks (think Netflix or social media), our schedules, or even your actual closet. 

If something is not bringing value to your life, or helping you reach your goals, get rid of it.

It may be hard sometimes to let go of some of those things. I know getting rid of some of our kids' younger clothes that are so cute and tiny is really difficult for me. These items are not serving a purpose to my life other than taking up space and a fond memory every now and them. So, once I give these things to somebody who can use them , I feel better. 

So think of that in your life. You've got to actually make the cut and say, "You're gone”  to things that are not serving you well.

3. Take the bold action. You can't just beat around the bush. You can't just think about it and say, "Oh, that's a good idea that I want to do." 

You actually have to take that bold action after you push out the things in your life that are occupying negativity by adding something of value. You see, once you make that space, it's like a vacuum, and it wants to fill the open space. That new open space is going to get filled up by something really, really quick. You must decide and take action to fill it in with positivity.  

So take a bold action. Maybe you decide to focus on improving your eating habits by joining a nutrition challenge. Maybe you decide that you're going to improve your fitness and you dedicate yourself to working with a personal trainer who will give you an expert program and keep you accountable. 

Or maybe it's as simple as taking that bold action to just get back to working out. Perhaps you've been away from it for a long time. Maybe you're nervous about doing live streaming workouts or maybe you're like, "I'm just sick of Zoom calls, so I don't want to do this online fitness thing anymore." 

Well, I apologize for my bluntness here, but that's not a good excuse guys. If you need fitness and that's the only way that you can get it right now, then you got to take bold action. 

So I know what you guys are thinking right now…

“Sounds like a good idea, but who has time for that, I need to keep up this pace”.

“ I just got to work harder”.

 “I can just fit more in”.

Or maybe; “Doing this detox process will just take up too much time”. 

I have made all of these excuses myself, and I am here to tell you, the time it takes to detox time well spent. I've made that excuse before. I know what it feels like to think:

"I just got to do more”. 

“I just got to fit more in.”

“I just got to be more disciplined”. 

“I just need to manage my schedule better”. 

Whatever it is, I know you have that objection, but I encourage you to take the time to detox all areas of your life and make space for transformation and joy. 

It's time. 

It's time to create space in your life and fill it in with your healthy new habits. Choose what can go. Choose what you want to keep. And choose what  you replace that new open space with. Be sure to choose something of value, that's going to add purpose and meaning to your health, wealth, happiness, and your wellbeing. 

I hope that you guys have found value from this today. For taking the time to read this post, I would love to offer you  a complimentary coaching call. We call it a healthy formula assessment. 

On this call we will begin with getting to know you.  Who you are, your occupation, your fitness experience, and your health background.  Next we will ask you what your goal is.  What do you want.  And from this we will help you to create a plan using our sustainable fitness success system. 

So go ahead, click the link below, complete the form, and this will lead you to my personal calendar where you can schedule a call time with me. No strings attached, just a free gift to you. You'll walk away from that call with clarity of what your next steps should be to hit the goals that you are after. 

See you on the call.

Stacey ColemanComment