Where are you headed?


"You can't change the past.  You can change the future.  Would you rather be influenced by something you can't change, or by something you can?" - Jeff Olson ('The Slight Edge')

Are you hung up on something that happened to you in the past?  Maybe a mistake you made, or a wrong done unto you?  Does it hold you back from from moving forward, toward success?

It is time to let it go.  You can not change the past.  It just can't happen.  It's already done, and the more time you spend dwelling on it, the more time the "NOW" is happening, and you are missing it.  

"The time is now".  What I want you to do is make a good decision RIGHT NOW.  That is the only thing you can control.  Guess what?  The more "Good, Right Now" choices you make, the closer you are to success.   Start piling up "good right now decisions".  

I know, I know, it sounds too simple, but it is the only way to make progress.  Failures happen.  It's OK! That is how we learn.  A brilliant inventor once said;

"I haven't failed, I just found 10,000 ways that won't work" -Thomas Edison

Do you consider Thomas Edison a failure?  If you do I would turn on a light and think about it.  

Don't get hung up on failures of the past.  Failures teach us "10,000 ways it doesn't work".  You become wiser along the way.  Do not  stop trying because of fear of failure.  Keep moving forward, learn from your mistakes, and stack up positive choices.

Continue forward making the best possible decisions, moment by moment.  Eventually you will find success.

If you are starting a journey to a healthier you, make sure that you are making a good choice right now.  What are you eating?  What is your workout plan today?  Just move forward.

If it's financial debt that you are worried about, just start now.  What is your spending like today?  Have you sought out help from a financial advisor?  Put your pennies in the bank and start the road to financial freedom.

One good decision leads to another.  Let go of the past and move forward towards success, one small good decision at a time.  I believe in you and I know you can reach your goals. 

Please share your thoughts.  Ask questions, and follow our social media pages for daily motivation.

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